Thought of the Day : “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel” ? Socrates


Welcome to Army Public School - Keri

Tender Feet School, Keri was established in December 2007 as part of SADBHAVANA PROJECT undertaken by the Indian Army. The school land measuring 02 Kanals 10 Mls was donated by Shri Kasthuri Lal S/O Shri Amar Nath R/O Keri Manylan for construction of the school. The aim of the school is to provide quality education and a conducive atmosphere for the overall growth of the local children of the villages close to Line of Control.

The school has eleven classes from Class Nur to 8th with a staff of twelve teachers and one maid. Presently the school is providing education to 193 students out of which 154 students belong to the families Below Poverty Line. These Below Poverty Line students have been provided with 100% scholarship, free uniform, books and stationery. The school is being run by a team of very enthusiastic teachers. For helping the students from far flung areas, the unit is also providing transport to them free of cost. The school has received positive response from the local populace and has further strengthened the bond between the locals and Army in the area.

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